Easter Day: 12 April - Christ is Risen

'Till this moment they had failed to understand the teaching of scripture, that He must rise from the dead.' John 20:9

Neither Peter nor John come to believe in the Resurrection without enduring confusion and uncertainty. But out of the confusion comes clarity. The empty tomb can only mean that Jesus is truly alive - raised and transformed by the Father. If Jesus is truly risen, then so are we. As we were one with him in his suffering, so are we now one with him in his risen joy. Alleluia! 

(From the Reflection in 'Sacred Space' Dunedin North Pastoral Area.)

 Second Sunday of Easter Reflection from Anne Powell. Click here

 Easter Sunday Reflection and more poems

Easter Sunday 12 April from Anne Powell. Click here

 Easter vigil resource

Easter Triduum: Easter vigil by Dan Schutte/Spirituality here

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Scripture of the Day

Magnificat is a very popular prayer resource across the world in many languages. In this time of difficulty they have generously opened access to their online subscription to all people for free (online and App.)

To sign up click here.

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