Liturgical Calendar

A Liturgical Calendar guides us, like pilgrims, one day at a time, through the liturgical year – which is the life of Christ, lived out in liturgical time – in the time and in the memory of the Church. Each day has its own name, colour, readings, texts and observance according to its time and place in the calendar.

Universal and National Calendars

Click the red button for additional resources

Universal Roman Calendar 2025 is available HERE

The National Calendar Calendar for 2025 is available HERE

Special National Commemorations for 2025

12 January

Anniversary of the first Mass in Aotearoa New Zealand celebrated by Bishop Pompallier

26 January

Word of God Sunday | Resource

6 February

Waitangi Day

7 March

Day of Prayer & Penance for victims of abuse and violence

1st Friday of Lent

25 March

Day of Prayer for Family Life | Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord 

28 April

St Peter Chanel | Patron Saint of Oceania

11-17 May

National Vocations' Awareness Week | Good Shepherd Sunday, 11 May

25 May

Word Children's Day

1 June

World Communications Day in Aotearoa New Zealand
Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord | Resource 

1-8 June

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

22 June

Day of Prayer for Refugees & Migrants | Sunday closest to World Refugee Day, 20 June

13 July

Day of Prayer for Seafarers

1 September

World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation | Resource

7-13 September

Social Justice Week

5 October

Day of Celebration for Venerable Suzanne Aubert | First Sunday in October

12 October

Day of Prayer for Support Life

19 October

World Mission Day | Resource





Resources for Days of Prayer

In the National Calendar, put out annually by the New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference, several dates are designated as a Day of Prayer for particular intentions.

2 February 2024 - Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life

Messages from Pope Francis for World Day for Consecrated Life

11 February - World Day of Prayer for the Sick

Message from Pope Francis for World Day of the Sick 2024 HERE. "It is not good that man should be alone." Healing the sick by healing relationships. 

National Association of Catholic Chaplains resources, including prayer cards, prayer of the faithful, a healing service in a hospital setting, world day of the sick programme

Catholic Health Association of the United States resources, including prayer card, video reflection

13 February - World Marriage Day

Catholic Network of Marriage Educators HERE

14 February - Ash Wednesday

16 Feb - Day of Prayer and Penance for Victims of Abuse and Violence

Suggestions for Prayer of the Faithful

Sample Prayers Litany

3 March - Children's Day (NZ) Te Rā o Ngā Tamariki

Link to National Childrens' Day NZ HERE

13 March - Anniversary of the Election of Pope Francis

Mass for the Pope - NZ Roman Missal pg. 1245

8 April - Day of Prayer for Family life

Celebrated in place of 25 March which falls in Hoy Week this year.

21 April to 27 April - National Vocations Awareness Week

Contact your local diocesan website.

25 April - ANZAC Day - National Day of Remembrance

12 May - World Communications Day

Theme 2024: "Artificial intelligence and wisdom of the heart: for a fully human communication."

12-19 May - Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2024

Theme 2024."You shall love the Lord your God and your neighbour as yourself." Luke 10:27

26 May - Laudato si' Week 

Season of Creation Theme 2024: To hope and act with creation.

23 June - Day of Prayer for Refugees and Migrants

14 July - Day of Prayer for Seafarers

The Apostleship of the Sea New Zealand

Mission to Seafarers

A Prayer for Seafarers

28 July - World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly 

15 August - The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

 Patronal Feast of Aotearoa New Zealand.

1 September - World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation

This Day of Prayer initiates the Season of Creation 1 September – 4 October.

"To hope and act with creation."   Web link HERE

Pope Francis's Prayer in Union with Creation Here.

8-14 September - Social Justice Week

The theme continues "Imagine peace for all - Choose forgiveness, Know peace."

See Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand website for more. HERE

6 October - Celebration Day for Suzanne Aubert

Celebrated on the first Sunday in October.

Visit for more information.

13 October - Day of Prayer to Support Life 

Support Life Sunday is an opportunity to focus together on how our Catholic tradition celebrates and protects all of life. Theme for 2024 is "Infinite dignity = Infinite Love. Every life matters ... Always!"


13-20 October - Week of Prayer for World Peace

Communities throughout New Zealand are encouraged to celebrate the Week both in their own observances and together with people of different faiths.

20 October - World Mission Sunday. 

Theme for 2024 is "Go and Invite Everyone to the Banquet."

Poster to download HERE

October Extraordinary Missionary month. Read more

'What is World Mission Sunday?' video from Missio UK

17 November - World Day of the Poor. (Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand Mass)

"It is my wish that Christian communities will make every effort to create moments of encounter and friendship, solidarity and concrete assistance." Pope Francis





Aotearoa-New Zealand Ordo

The ORDO is an indispensable aid in the preparation of liturgies throughout the year.

ORDO for New Zealand & Australia 2025 now available.

For those seeking the 2025 ORDO we suggest you contact Pleroma and they will manage your orders.

Stock will be available at the retail price $29.99. Pleroma can offer quantity discounts.

For more information on making an order for Ordo 2025 from Pleroma click HERE

A link to view all other Annuals 2025 available from Pleroma click HERE

You can also order directly from Liturgy Brisbane, Australia via their website HERE







Resources for Prayer of Various Occasions

Find here the resources for prayer specific to current affairs, specific times and various other occasions.
Click the red button for additional resources


Let us Lament

Check out what the Auckland Diocesan Liturgy Centre published in the June 2018 edition of Liturgy. 
Click here to view the resource.

Welcome Songs for Refugees and Migrants

If your church is a member of One License or CCLI, you are encouraged to report your usage there as you would customarily do. At the end of this collection you can find copyright information.
This resource can also be found in the National Days of Prayer page on this site.
Click here to view the resource.

Prayer for Elections

Currently the world faces change of power and direction through elections. This resource was created for the 2017 New Zealand Election and can be adapted for all other elections.
Click here to view the resource.

Prayer for Protection Against Fires

 Click here to view a resource. Click here to find an additional resource.

Prayer in Light of Sexual Abuse Scandals: A Holy Hour

In light of events of sexual abuse, find here a resource of prayer: Holy Hour For the Purification of the Clergy and Ministers of the Church, and In Reparation for Sins Against Chastity and the for the Abuse of Clerical Power. See also  Pope Francis's letter to the People of God.

Prayer for Hope

For the victims, survivors and rescue workers of the Queensland and Victorian floods, Christchurch earthquake, Japanese earthquake and tsunami, and for all those in civil wars in the Middle East. This resource serves all disasters and dire times where hope is needed.
Click here to view the resource.

Prayer Upon Returning Home After the Hurricanes

Credited to Michael Kwatera, O.S.B. Click here to view the resource.

A Prayer for Seafarers

July 8th serves as the Day of Prayer for Seafarers. This resource can be used anytime.
Click here to view the resource

Prayer for Those Seeking Work

Many people struggle to find work; those people have gifts and talents that could be used in their work. Click here for a Prayer for Those Seeking Work.

Prayer for Students

Students all around the world face great pressure. They require blessings to devote themselves to their study. Click here for a prayer for Students.

Prayer for a Recent Natural Disaster

Every so often natural disasters shake peoples lives around the world. Find here a resource of prayer in times of a natural disaster.

Prayer for Protection from a Volcano

Click here to view the resource.

A Prayer in Union with Creation

Click here to view Pope Francis' prayer for the Season of Creation