Feast of the Transfiguration
Pope Francis urges the faithful to reflect on the miracle of the Transfiguration and to see the same beauty in the faces of the people we interact with every day. In a recent address, the pope discussed the “beauty” shown in the Gospel reading of Matthew 17:1–9. In this passage, Peter and James and his brother John witness Christ “transfigured before them” with his face shining “like the sun” and his clothes “dazzling white” as he conversed with Moses and Elijah on the top of a mountain.
Pope Francis invites us to consider how “the contemplation of God’s wonders, the contemplation of God’s face, of the Lord’s face, must move us to the service of others.”
The Gospel reading also “traces a path for us,” according to Pope Francis. He explained how the passage “teaches us how important it is to remain with Jesus even when it is not easy to understand everything he says and does for us.” By staying with Christ, he said “we learn to recognize on his face the luminous beauty of love he gives us, even when it bears the marks of the cross.”
From the address during Pope Francis’ Sunday Angelus reflection, March 5 2023. Vatican Media. More HERE
Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14 His raiment was as white as snow.
Psalm 96: 1-2,5-6, 9. R: The Lord is King, the most high over all the earth.
2 Peter 1:16-19 We heard this voice come from heaven
Alleluia, alleluia. This is my Son, my beloved, in whom is all my delight: listen to him.
Matt 17:1-9 His face was shining like the sun.
Homily Studio podcast
Listen to a 30-minute conversation about the scriptures for Sunday HERE
Prayer of the Faithful (starter):
Celebrant: E te Atua-Father God, it is good for us to be here. Your Son, Jesus, revealed His glory on Mount Tabor so that we can be sure of His divinity. We pray with confidence for the needs of our community.
For the People of God: That the Church will radiate the beauty of the transfigured Jesus through preaching, teaching, and social outreach.
Invocation: E te Ariki … Response: Whakarongo mai rā ki a mātou
For the people of the world: That all pilgrims who search for Your compassionate love, will have eyes to see the light of Christ which can transform and renew all who believe in Him.
E te Ariki … Response: Whakarongo mai rā ki a mātou
For our country: We pray for everyone living in Aotearoa New Zealand. That the needs of the poor, homeless, suffering and sick will be in the forefront of the minds of those who seek to govern our country.
E te Ariki … Response: Whakarongo mai rā ki a mātou
For our parish community: That the mystery of the Transfiguration will inspire us to get to know Christ better in daily life encounters and through contemplation of God's wonders and God's face, moving us to the service of others.
E te Ariki … Response: Whakarongo mai rā ki a mātou

Transfiguration by Giovanni Bellini – Public domain
Image on main slider. The Transfiguration, mosaic in the apse of the monastery church of St. Catherine on Mt Sinai, ca. 565.