Support Life Sunday

Te Kahu o te Ora - A Consistent Ethic of Life is the focus for Sunday 8 October, the twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary time. Aptly translated as "the Garment of Life", Te Kahu o te Ora provides a clear and deliberate link to the 'seamless garment' of Jesus first used by Cardinal Bernardin and subsequently picked up by the NZCBC in 1997 by publishing a Statement which explains a wholistic approach to faith and life.

Twenty six years on from the original NZCBC Statement, much has changed regarding the environmental, political, technological, social and cultural context we live in. However, the idea of a consistent approach to life - identifying the connections between the different moral issues we face - is as relevant and important as ever. This year an updated version of Te Kahu o te Ora - A Consistent Ethic of Life will be published by the end of September.

The liturgical resources linked to Support Life Sunday 2023 are available now. 


Is 5: 1-7    The vineyard of the Lord God of hosts is the House of Israel.

Psalm 79:9, 12-16, 19-20  The vineyard of the Lord is the House of Israel.

Phil 4:6-9    Do these things and the God of peace will be with you.

Alleluia, alleluia! I call you friends, says the Lord, because I have made known to you everything I have learnt from my Father. Alleluia.

Mt 21:33-43   He leased his vineyard to other farmers.

Homily Notes and Prayers of Intercession

These notes are intended as a starter for your own preparation for the liturgies for Sunday 8 October. HERE

Homily Studio Conversation

Listen to a half-hour podcast conversation on these scriptures at Food For Faith webpage. The podcast for Support Life Sunday will be available from Wednesday 4 October.

Contents of Te Kahu o te Ora - A Consistent Ethic of Life 

You can access the 2023 Statement Te Kahu o te Ora HERE

The Statement will cover the following connected themes:

Integrity of Creation



War and Peace

Beginning of Life

End of Life Issues

Justice and Correction Systems

Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence

You can access the NZCBC 1997 Statement Te Kahu o Te Ora - A Consistent Ethic of Life in the book 'Church in the World' - Statements on social issues 1979-1997 by New Zealand's Catholic bishops. Compiled by Chris Orsman and Peter Zwart. Pub: Catholic Office for social Justice. 1997.

 Other Resources are available on the NZCBC Resources webpage.