Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Our National Patronal Feast will be celebrated this year on Sunday 14th August. This day links Mary's unique destiny with her role as the Mother of God. Her privilege is a sign and promise for all the People of God. The Gospel for the day is Luke 1:39-59 which includes Mary's jubilant song of praise. It's a mosaic of phrases from the Old Testament and relates in particular to the song of Hannah at her son Samuel's birth. Luke presents Mary bringing to fulfilment the long succession of Israel's "poor in spirit". She gathers their prayers together in one great hymn of blessing we call the Magnificat.
We too magnify the Lord by our prayer and action.
Readings of the Day:
First Reading Revelation 11:19A; 12:1-6A, 10AB
Responsorial Psalm 45:10,11,12,16.
R: The Queen stands at your right hand arrayed in gold.
Second Reading 1 Corinthians 15:20-27
Alleluia alleluia! Mary is taken up to heaven, and the angels of God shout for joy. Alleluia!
Gospel Luke 1:39-56

St Mary of the Angels, Wellington the new national shrine of Mary Mother of God Assumed into Heaven.
Mass of dedication of St Mary of the Angels as the National Shrine of Mary Mother of God Assumed into Heaven
The bishops will gather for Mass at 2pm on Sunday 14 August at St. Mary of the Angels in Wellington to dedicate the church as the national shrine to Mary. The art work Ko Hāta Maria, te Matua Wahine o te Atua (Holy Mary, Mother of God) which has been on a hikoi through all the dioceses since last August, will be permanently installed in St Mary of the Angels for all to visit and venerate. All are welcome.

Ko Hāta Maria, te Matua Wahine o te Atua - Holy Mary, Mother of God. (2021)
The Prayer of Dedication pdf HERE
Powerpoint with the words to two verses of Mō Maria HERE
Introduction to a new composition by Fr Chris Skinner SM Hata Maria HERE
Music track to Hata Maria HERE
Lyrics composed for the national shrine.
Hata Maria
Mary, gather us as one (Awe Maria)
From your place in heaven united with your Son (inoi koe mo matou, Maria)
Mary, in this holy shrine (Awe Maria)
Touch the hearts of pilgrims
And touch this heart of mine. (Hata Maria)
V1. Your journey into heaven
We revere and we rejoice
Recall the dedication long ago
Under your protection
We are proud to raise our voice
Keep us safe forever in your love
Mary, gather us as one (Awe Maria)
From your place in heaven united with your Son (inoi koe mo matou, Maria)
Mary, in this holy shrine (Awe Maria)
Touch the hearts of pilgrims
And touch this heart of mine. (Hata Maria)
V2. Our people and our country
From the North unto the South
These islands and these waters we call home
Knowing that you’re with us
Give us hope and the way through
We see the light of Christ alive in you.
Mary, gather us as one (Awe Maria)
From your place in heaven united with your Son (inoi koe mo matou, Maria)
Mary, in this holy shrine (Awe Maria)
Touch the hearts of pilgrims
And touch this heart of mine. (Hata Maria)
Mary …….. end with Hata Maria, Hata Maria, Hata Maria.
Song composed for the National Shrine in Wellington dedicated to Mary Mother of God Assumed into heaven. Aug 15 2022.