Social Justice Week: Say No to Racism. We are one in Christ.
Social Justice Week/Te Wiki o te Whai Tika 2022 focuses on racism, the need to reject it in the Church and in society, and to uphold the human dignity of every person, recognising that we are called to be ‘one in Christ'.
The Liturgy Resource booklet will help priests, parish leadership and liturgy committees include the Social Justice Week theme in their Sunday celebration and activities during and beyond the week.

Liturgy Resource for parishes and schools
The Liturgy Resource booklet contains ideas for Mass – Miha including the welcome; Prayer of the Faithful; Reflection on the Readings; a note for parish newsletters and ideas for Liturgy of the Word for children.
Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand recommend we read this Liturgy Resource in conjunction with the associated Reflection Booklet for Social Justice Week 2022. The Reflection Booklet provides in-depth resources to reflect and act on racism.
Established by the New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference in 1997 as on ongoing commitment in the Catholic calendar Social Justice Week/Te Wiki o te Whai Tika encourages us to consider, reflect and take action on a particular current social justice issue in light of Catholic social teaching. The resources are prepared and published by Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand.
For these booklets, the poster, schools resources and more visit the Caritas website HERE