Ecumenical Season of Creation
Pope Francis invites us to celebrate the Season of Creation as a moment for “ecological conversion.” Take a moment for prayer in “the great cathedral of creation to honor the great Artist” who created this stunning planet and spectacular cosmos. We are invited to celebrate our liturgies with a renewed awareness of the inseparability of Creation and Redemption. Throughout September, let us find ways to lift up the season’s theme and its symbol of a mighty river within our communal prayer.
Below provides reflections and support for liturgical celebrations. Inspired by the momentum of Laudato Si’ Week, the ecumenical Season of Creation, is that special kairos when the People of God join hands to pray with and act for our common home.
May the Holy Spirit move our whole Church to speak out with and for communities and creatures most impacted by the ecological crisis, joining the mighty river of justice and peace.
Symbol for 2023 “Let justice and Peace flow like a river.”
We are invited to join the river of justice and peace on behalf of all Creation and to converge our individual identities, of name, family or faith community, in this greater movement for justice, just like tributaries come together to form a mighty river. As the people of God, we must work together on behalf of all Creation, as part of that mighty river of peace and justice.
Liturgy Links
Within the Celebration Guide book prepared for the Season of Creation 2023 there are several pages with ideas for your liturgies. Take a look.
Ecumenical Prayer vigil on Sept 30
On the Season of Creation Calendar is a link to the planned Prayer vigil to mark the close of the Season of Creation month. HERE
Prayer card
Download this prayer card. Create a suitable space, light a candle and say this powerful prayer every day this month. HERE
A selection of Prayer of the Faithful to choose from:
Invocation after each of these:
Reader: E te Ariki All: whakarongo mai rā ki a mātou
For Pope Francis who challenges us to become informed regarding the care of the Earth. Help us to follow his call and become builders of a sustainable ecological future for generations to come.
For leaders of nations that they work cooperatively and with urgency to ensure the protection of the earth, its peoples, oceans, rivers, animals, vegetation, earth and atmosphere.
For those who suffer from poverty, hunger, sickness, anxiety…. because of their degraded and poisoned environment. Grant relief and mercy through your grace to our brothers and sisters who struggle to live in dignity.
For people in our country and throughout the world whose homes and properties have been flooded, burned down or damaged in some way through extreme weather events – that they will know the face of compassion, supported in practical ways, and hold fast to hope.
For our faith community: send forth your Spirit to enliven our hearts and minds. Draw us closer to you through our care of one another and your awesome creation.
For the wisdom to hear and understand the voice of our young people who call us to acknowledge and take action to reduce our carbon emissions and find ways to mitigate and adapt to the effects of rapid climate change.
For those seeking to represent us in our coming election. Guide them to a deep awareness of the interconnectedness all You have created. May Your Spirit give them wisdom to make decisions that address the intrinsic needs of all Your creation.
Create in us a new heart and a new vision so that the gifts of Your Spirit may work in us to renew the face of the earth. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, who lives in and through us, in union with the Holy Spirit for ever.
Pope Francis on our shared synodal journey - notes for homilies...
Pope Francis invites us to “heed our call to stand with the victims of environmental and climate injustice, and to put an end to the senseless war against creation.”
“We must transform the public policies that govern our societies and shape the lives of young people today and tomorrow,” encourages Pope Francis.
The Holy Father stresses the importance of synodality with hope that "in this Season of Creation, as followers of Christ on our shared synodal journey, let us live, work and pray that our common home will teem with life once again."
The Seasons’ Ecumenical committee encourages communities worldwide to host prayer services in places impacted by the climate crisis as a way to highlight the urgency of the crisis and then send the stories to their representatives at COP28.
Read the full message from Pope Francis HERE

Let Justice and Peace flow like a Mighty River.