Our Lord Jesus Christ King of the Universe
“The keyword of the proclamation of Jesus is: the Kingdom of God. But the Kingdom of God is not a thing, a social or political structure, a utopia. The Kingdom of God is God. Kingdom of God means: God exists. God is alive. God is present and acts in the world, in our-in my life.”
Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger. Address at the Jubilee of Catechists, 12 Dec 2000. From The New Evangelisation – building the civilisation of love.
"I was born for this, I came into the world for this, to bear witness to the truth; and everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice." John 18:37
2 Samuel 5:1-3. They anointed David king of Israel
Psalm 121:1-5 R. Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord.
Col1:12-20 He has taken us into the kingdom of his beloved Son.
Alleluia, alleluia! Blessed is he who inherits the kingdom of David our Father; blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Alleluia.
Lk 23:35-43 Lord remember me when you come into your kingdom.
On this Sunday we celebrate Christ’s presence over all aspects of our lives.
Listen to a conversation linking these Readings with our daily lives in the Homily Studio podcast HERE
Prayers of intercession
E te Ariki
Let us pray for greater integrity: that we may both speak and live the virtues that are planted deep within our hearts so that we may be authentic witnesses to God’s reign.
R: Whakarongo mai ra kia matou
Let us pray for a transformation of our hearts: that through the Cross of Christ, our understandings of power, success, and glory may be changed and that we may place ourselves more fully in the service of God.
R: Whakarongo mai ra kia matou
For each of us: that we may live our lives fearlessly, while recognising that our goal is union with Christ for eternity.
R: Whakarongo mai ra kia matou

Painting 'Head of Christ' by Nikolay Koshelev (1840-1918)
This Sunday 20th November is also designated as World Youth Day.
Delayed again this year because of Covid. Now WYD is planned for Lisbon Portugal in August 2023. The theme is:
"Young people must go in haste to others, just like Mary."
To prepare for World Youth Day 2023 read the full message from Pope Francis HERE