Fourth Sunday of Lent
Week Four: Let us not grow tired of doing good in active charity towards our neighbours.
During this Lent may we practise almsgiving by giving joyfully. God who “supplies seed to the sower and bread for food” (2 Cor 9:10) enables each of us not only to have food to eat, but also to be generous in doing good to others. While it is true that we have our entire life to sow goodness, let us take special advantage of this Lenten season to care for those close to us and to reach out to our brothers and sisters who lie wounded along the path of life. Lent is a favourable time to seek out – and not to avoid – those in need; to reach out – and not to ignore – those who need a sympathetic ear and a good word; to visit – and not to abandon – those who are lonely. Let us put into practice our call to do good to all, and take time to love the poor and needy, those abandoned and rejected, those discriminated against and marginalized. (From Pope Francis Lenten message 2022)
Read the complete Message from Pope Francis for Lent 2022
Jos 5:9a,10-12
Ps 34:2-3, 4-5,6-7 Response: Taste and see the goodness of the Lord
2 Cor 5:17-21
Lk 15:1-3, 11-32
Prayer of the Faithful (starter):
Let us not grow tired of doing good towards our neighbours. Open our eyes to see the vulnerability of people and other created beings around us. Open wide our hearts and minds to be more generous by sharing our time, treasure and talent with them.
Invocation: E te Ariki …
Response: Whakarongo mai rā ki a mātou

Let us not grow tired of doing good towards our neighbours
Pray the Stations of the Cross (15 mins)
From the Archdiocese of Cincinnati HERE
Homily Studio podcast for a 30-minute conversation about the scriptures for next Sunday. HERE
Guide to the Lent Readings by Fr Adrian Graffy
Go to
Called to be Peacemakers - Lent 2022
Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand
Go their website HERE
More resources will be added during the weeks of Lent.