Feast of the Immaculate Conception: 8 December

This feast celebrates the beginning of Mary’s life, and her birthday is honoured nine months later on 8 September. As the Mother of Jesus, Mary is also Mother of the Church, His Body, and mother of all who follow Jesus. Mary’s motherhood embraces all the People of God. Conceived immaculate (free from the corruption of sin), Mary is uniquely blessed by God and this makes her a wonderful model for Christians who seek justice, peace, truth and mercy. Fr James Lyons comments,  “The dying Jesus gave us into her keeping, assuring us we could not go wrong by walking her path and heeding her wisdom.”

 Francisco de Zuraran 1630 at 9.56.50 AM

Painting by Fransisco de Zurbaran of the Immaculate conception. 1630. (Photo public domain)

Mary reveals her true humanity.  She is what human beings should have been like, but for sin. More from a useful background article HERE


Teillard quote 2020 12 05 at 9.49.50 AM