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Prayers of the Faithful - Auckland Liturgy Centre

Prepared for Sundays and Solemnities are available for use and/or adaptation by faith communities.

More information - Liturgy of the Word with Children

Prepared by the Catholic Diocese of Auckland Liturgy Centre. Let the Children Come - Diocesan Guidelines.

Mass setting suitable for children - Liturgy of the Word with Children

Prepared by the Catholic Diocese of Auckland Liturgy Centre

Audio files of the Gospel Acclamations - Liturgy of the Word with Children

Prepared by the Catholic Diocese of Auckland Liturgy Centre

Preparation Material and Liturgy Outlines for each Sunday - Liturgy of the Word with Children

Prepared by the Catholic Diocese of Auckland Liturgy Centre

Catholic Deaf Community Facebook Page

This page provides New Zealand Sign Language translations of the Gospel of the Day.

Deepening in the Graces Received

RCIA Catechesis in the Period of Post-Baptismal Catechesis or Mystagogy from the Association for Catechumenal Ministry.

Preparing to Receive the Life of God

An article on RCIA Catechesis in the Period of Purification and Enlightenment from the Association for Catechumenal Ministry.

The Standard of Teaching

An article on Catechesis in the RCIA Catechumenate Period from the Association for Catechumenal Ministry.


Guide For Ministers of Liturgical Environment - Pleroma

This new guide in the Liturgical Ministry series, is effective for training those new to the ministry and for rejuvenating the work…

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How to Lead Children's Liturgy of the Word - Pleroma

This booklet provides a primer on children's Liturgy of the Word for those who are leaders of children's Liturgy of the Word…


Guide for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion - Pleroma

Guide for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Second Edition Corinna Laughlin, Kenneth A. Riley, Paul Turner


Explaining the Lectionary for Readers - Pleroma

This book tackles the questions most frequently asked by Lectors.