Resources to provide ideas, support and encouragement for those preparing parish and school liturgies.
Further resources will be added to this Section as they are completed.
Resources to provide ideas, support and encouragement for those preparing parish and school liturgies.
Further resources will be added to this Section as they are completed.
As we begin the new year Fr John O'Connor encourages us to re-commit ourselves by making the liturgy a central part of our personal and communal lives.
When we gather as Liturgical People, God works in us to strengthen and heal us. In particular, through the celebration of the Eucharist, we are offered a place of privileged encounter with God.
This video provides an insight into how we are invited to a heart-felt participation in the celebration of the Mass.
Father John O'Connor explains how the Mass is primarily God's action and we can participate fully by becoming aware of our need for God. 'Preparing for Mass' encourages us to allow the Rite of the Mass to carry us into worship of God.
View this 4 minute video to help us prepare to participate fully in the Eucharist.
This short video invites us to take the time in stillness and silence before Mass. Set in the Hurunui district, North Canterbury, Fr John O'Connor describes how the Catholics built a 'beautiful place where God can live among us.' He encourages us to spend some quiet time before we participate in the celebration of the Eucharist.